Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stomach flu, relatives visit, Chilliwack Lake, Sasquatch sighting, Vancouver visit...yep one week in the life of Liam!

As the title states we have had a full week of ups and downs. Let us begin the journey...

STOMACH FLU...holy smokes can you think of the last time you had this?! Anyways unfortunately our little Liam caught it from somewhere and it turned his happy world upside down into a vortex of pure unhappiness (that's what happens when you keep vomiting up your favorite foods). He battled the flu for about a weeks time but he has made a full recovery. Who would have thought the flu would bring out new tooth at the same time...(thats' right he's got 4 now)

RELATIVES...the same weekend as Liam battled the flu my cousin Kim, her husband Luke, my Auntie Cecilia, and Uncle Lloyd came for a visit. I felt bad after telling Kim what an easy baby Liam has been and how he is not a handful at all he brings out the projectile puking and feverish crying. Since Kim and Luke are expecting in October I guess this experience gave them some insight into having a baby...the not so much fun part. :) We loved having them visit and I know it is going to be awesome having a new little cousin in the world in the fall.

Auntie Kim, Liam and Mom hanging out!

CHILLIWACK LAKE RETREAT...on Sunday and Monday we attended the Residents Retreat at Chilliwack Lake Campground. Liam still not feeling well just perferred to hang out in his fleece blanket and be held which was just fine by Matt. He was a great sleeper, on his first camping trip, just snuggling up to mom and dad in our tent. One problem when dawn breaks in the wilderness babies are ready to get up so we spent the early morning hours having Liam roll around, pinch our noses, and make noises by stratching at the tent. However, the highlight of the weekend was our Sasquatch sighting! The Sasquatch even drinks Kokanee like the commercials! Amazing!

Sasquatch having some quiet reflection by Chilliwack Lake...with a cold Kokanee.

Sasquatch and Liam
STOMACH FLU...I know I mentioned it already however this time the victims were Matt and I. Yep, we had an awful Monday night and Tuesday dealing with this nasty virus...I truly realized with how awful I felt the experience must have been horrible for Liam. I really felt sorry for him so I fed him some mango frozen know what good parent do. haha

VANCOUVER VISIT...Liam and I headed into Vancouver for two days to see Matt and hang out. We were so generously put up by Paul for the two days and had a great time at his place...especially Liam as he try to terrorize Paul by pulling everything off the shelves. We had a great visit with Cam, Carmen, Andy, and Saxon! Come to the 'Wack soon.

Hey Saxon, what cha reading?

Uncle Cam helps out with Astronaut training!

LIAM CONTINUES TO AMAZE...latest update on this munchkin is his constant pulling up on furniture has caused him to stand on everything. I guess he could be walking soon (Oh my goodness) but I"ll keep you on the up and up.

Have a good one!


The Robertsons

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