Monday, August 21, 2006

60 kilometres later we crossed the finish line...

I think the only word to describe The Weekend to End Breast Cancer is AWESOME! I am still reeling with enthusiasm from walking 60 km that I woke up this morning and went to my Monday morning bike spin class! :) I had a great weekend walking with fantastic women - Jen, Sheila, Pam, Virginia, Kari and Paige. Here's a quick recap of our great weekend in Vancouver:

Recently, Liam has been dealing with some seperation anxiety but wow on Friday it was definitely me dealing with seperation from him. As Grandma Debbie (amazing volunteer from the YMCA) picked him up to go to the gym and take care of him for the rest of the day I actually thought about not going to Vancouver as I could hear him crying in his stroller as it wheeled away. However, once I got my pack together and headed off to my friend, Pam's, house I knew this weekend was for the moms to take a break the sadness began to dissolve. It dissolved even more as we arrived in Vancouver to do some shopping...without any kids to bring into the dressing room or to entertain!! We had a great time shopping on Robson, eating at Moxie's then we headed back to our residences (Ramada Hotel and I stayed at Cam and Carmen's) early to get ready for a long day of walking.

Jenn, Sheila, Pam and I at Camp

I got up at 5:30 am jumped in a cab to pick up the other ladies from the hotel so we could be at the Plaza of Nations by 6:00 am. We dropped off our bags, got some food and just relaxed but that's hard when you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. After a short opening ceremony we were on our way. We had a fantastic route through English Bay, Stanley Park, all the way to Killarney Park. Who knew walking 35 km would be so grueling? There was definitely a time during the day when we looked at the route marker and were blown away that we STILL had 17 km to go before camp. However, we sucked it up, had a great lunch, enjoyed the fantastic weather and made it to camp in one piece. Our friend Pam was even able to get all 8 of us signed up for massages!! We enjoyed a fine dinner and were treated to djayed music until 9:00 pm at which point it was time for lights out. Yep that's right 9 pm bedtime and let me tell you I was ready to hit the sack.
Tent City

Another early morning waking up at 5:30 when you have 2100 other people all camping it is hard to sleep in. So up we went for some quick brekkie and off walking by 7:15. The second day was ONLY 25 km and let me tell you it seemed so much easier! We made our way through Point Grey, Granville Island and it was pretty cool to know as we approached Cambie Bridge we were on the home stretch to Plaza of Nations. Even better was that as we walked into the Plaza of Nations we walked through a tunnel of people on either side of us cheering and high fiving us. How awesome is that?!!

Jenn, her sister in law Kari, Kari's best friend Paige

The closing ceremonies consisted of all the walkers in blue shirts while the breast cancer survivors walked into the crowd with their pink shirts amazing image to see since there were so many of them and knowing after all they had been through battling breast cancer they were there walking the 60 km with us. A woman spoke about how she battled breast cancer in her teens and now at 35 has dealt with 8 bouts of other types of cancer since and is currently fighting cancer again! Yet she was there walking the 60 km while battling cancer. I have to tell you there was not a dry eye in that stadium. So really the message was that as much as we whined about being too hot, being sore and questioning whether we could walk the 60 km these things were petty in comparison to the battle these men and women who have battled cancer and are currently battling cancer have to go through. Makes you really appreciate the health that you have.

Closing ceremonies as the breast cancer survivors walk in.

So once again my life has changed, my eyes have opened even wider...just the way I like it.

So here's a cheers to all the people that supported me through this walk!!! It was truly AWESOME!! Now how about next year...


Mo, Matt and Liam

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Womens' only weekend coming up!!

The lily that finally bloomed in our garden!

This past weekend I think Liam and I spent more than 72 hours together...alone. So I am looking forward to this weekend away. Now it is not because I do not love my child I do with every bit of my heart but sometimes a little alone time rejuvenates the spirit.

So this weekend 4 women, from the YMCA, and I are going to be participating in The Weekend To End Breast Cancer in Vancouver. Now for a split second I know you thought that I was going to Vancouver for a total party weekend but then the reality set in I am walking 60 km over two days...hmm not sounding so much like a party weekend.

Let's see on Monday I probably won't be able to walk very well and unfortunately it won't be from being completely drunk on the weekend and dancing so much my legs hurt on Monday. haha

No in all seriousness this walk is awesome and the money is going to such an amazing cause! So wish us luck and for all those that donated thank you so much as this is the weekend I am walking for you!!

Have a great week and weekend everyone!


Mo, Matt, and Liam

Just a different angle. I can't help it! I'm just happy our garden worked!

Some of the Black eyed Susans...maybe I do have a green finger...I mean thumb!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Thank Goodness it's August Looooongggg Weekend!

I can't believe in a blink of an eye August long weekend was upon us. In past years I would steadily start feeling the butterflies forming in my stomach in anticipation of the up coming school year but this year nada. Not because I have fully decided not to go back to work (mom I know you're still wondering what's happening with that) but simply the weather was wonderful, Matt had a whole long weekend off and well we happen to live in a very cool place (other than the stinky manure fields).

Anyways Liam and I started off our Saturday with an afternoon of fun spent with Sheila and Gavin. We walked down to the school park and played on the swings, ate some ritz crackers, and then played on the slide. However, due to the hot weather we thought better yet let's head home and jump into the kiddie pool and relax with some fruit popsicles. No kid can deny such pleasures!

Gavin and Liam chillelaxin' in the pool eagerly awaiting the popsicles.

Sunday was our big day since Paul made a surprise visit out to the 'Wack to go on a hike with us and another resident couple, Paul and Jonie, to Elk View. The hike according to the guide book was to be a 4 hour round trip. So in the afternoon after lunch we all headed out to the trail head which was located in the beautiful area of Ryder Lake. We hiked up hill for a long time I know my feet were sore by the end I can't imagine what the boys felt like as they all took turns carrying Liam. The view was spectacular as you'll see in the following photos. We actually made it to Elk View and kept going to the top known as Mt. Thurston. Awesome view as you could see Mt. Sleese, Cultus Lake, Mt. Baker...yep great day altogether Liam even fell asleep on Paul's back on the way down! A great hike to do if you're planning to visit!!
Monique, Matt, Liam, Jonie, Paul G, Paul M on the top of Mt. Thurston
The fam resting and enjoying the view

Thanks for the ride Paul!

Paul and Liam spending some quality time together!

Sunday night we chowed down on some fantastic Chinese food and just relaxed. Liam was wiped as was everyone else so sitting in front of the air conditioner was just what we needed. Paul headed home the next day and we had a nice Monday just catching up from the past weeks and getting ready for another wild one coming up.

We hope everyone has a fantastic week!


Liam, Mo and Matt

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Those crazy Calgarians strike again!

So the phone call on Wednesday night sounded something like this, "So we're thinking of flying to Abbotsford this weekend to visit you guys. But we might or might not depending on seat sales so don't go telling Liam we're coming if we really aren't." --> very typical Simon conversation (haha) but lucky for us he came through and bought some tickets for himself and his girlfriend, Margarita...finally we would see if this whole 'girlfriend' thing was for real.
There they were waiting for us at the airport on Friday morning all ready to enjoy the smoking hot valley weather I had been raving about only to be greeted by a cool breeze and overcast overcast and more overcast. Despite the not so cooperative weather we had a splendid day together getting some fresh fruit from the farms and taking Liam to the park to play on the swings but more so to watch the soccer playoff between Simon and Margarita (Australia vs Columbia)! Good times!
Ola Margarita and Simon!
Saturday we decided to had to the big city for the day. The drive to Vancouver was quite quick for a weekend and we even were able to park downtown for $5 for the day!!! Wow when do you get parking prices like that anymore! We enjoyed the favorites of shopping on Robson, eating at an awesome Korean restaurant, taking the ferry over to Granville Island --> it was great for Margarita to enjoy those things since the last time she was in Vancouver was at the airport. In the early evening we met Cam and Carmen over on Commercial to eat some very delicious Indonesian food. As those two headed off to the Lantern Festival we got back on the road back to our beloved home in the 'Wack.
On Sunday Simon and Margarita headed back to the prairies...I can only assume they got home okay after arriving at the airport with let's see 20 minutes before their flight left. I don't know if you can tell yet but Simon is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy!! That's what makes him awesome!! We had a great time getting to know Margarita, she's an amazing woman who doesn't mind kick boxing with Simon in our living room! Hope you had fun visiting us you two!!
I am so smart...S - M
R-T!! What a little monster!
The next few posts I am sure will be filled with tons of excitement as we have some fun filled weekends planned...hmm Scott's stag, The Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk, Liam's's endless but that's what summer's all about.

That's right boys and girls this little man is turning one at the end of the month!

Lots of Love,

Mo, Matt and Liam