Friday, May 04, 2007

Things we do to pass the time...

Daddy stop loving me so much!

When we were in Salmon Arm since we all resided in a hotel suite when Liam went to nap I also went to nap because really what is there to do in a pitch black hotel room. Yes I read all the books and magazines I brought with me...a few times over. I even resorted to reading the Alberta and BC travel accomodations book given out at the AMA.

Liam stalking his unsuspecting yellow duck scrub mitt.

So when we returned to the 'Wack I thought about just simply continuing that tradition of the afternoon nap until someone intriduced me to something so horrible it has taken up many hours of my life this's called FACEBOOK. Addicting, amusing to find people you have spoken to in years but addicting. Matt and I actually race each other to the computer now so we can check our profile and see if anyone wrote on our wall or invited us to be their friends. Pathetic maybe but a great time. So look me up (really if I can't fight the addiction you probably should just continue to feed my addiction!)

Old man Liam has shown up meaning spring weather is coming soon.

Finally had my 18 weeks ultrasound today. Everything looks good and we will post the photos of the ultrasound later this weekend. Have a great weekend and let's pray for some sunshine please.

Mo, Matt and Liam

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