Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Liam Report

Now let's be realistic I know friends and family tell me they read this blog to find out about what Matt and I are doing but I know the truth...it's all about Liam!

Sending you a smooch over the internet!

This post is solely dedicated to updating you on our little man. Now where to begin...

Recent measurements: Liam is now 35 inches (3 ft) and weighs a whopping 31 lbs. Yep he is a sturdy young lad. Unfortunately he is stuck in I want to be with my mom ever hour of the day stage right now which also includes carrying him around on my hip. Once again I realize why women have hips. :)

Recent developmental milestones: Before we left for Salmon Arm in March we were quite concerned about Liam's language development...specifically his lack of language development. Well we had no need to be concerned since we have a chatty cathy on our hands now. Repeating everything and his favorite is still hearing the phone and yelling out a loud 'Hellllooo'.

Favorite animal: the monkey other wise known as 'haha'
Favorite toy: cars, cars and more cars

Gavin and Liam hanging out!

Funniest incident in the last few days: Liam was being prompted by Matt to repeat sounds (ex. monkey = haha, dog = woof woof, duck = quack quack) when asked to repeat what a fart sounds like he proceeded to strain and let a big one out on Matt. Needless to say all the times Matt has farted on Liam and then laughed has caused this new behaviour.

I'll try to get some action film on Liam as he spends his days in his gum boots splashing around in the puddles or trying to ride a bike.

Liam and I will be making an Edmonton appearance the last week of May so keep your schedules open!!
Say Cheese!

Until next time.


Mo, Liam and Matt

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