Saturday, October 28, 2006

Here's Liammina!

Liam looks good with long hair eh? This is what Liam and I did this week as he was home sick. I know he looks like he was having a great time but let me tell you the virus he had made him so irritable and feverish. A nasty combination!

So while I was a shut in at home we played with lots of the toys, made some Halloween decorations, watched some dvds from the library - the great thing about the libraries here is that you can request relatively new movies so instead of renting it's freeeeeeee, and had a good love/hate relationship with one another (Example: play together for about 15 minutes then realize that we were sick of each other so ignored one another for 5 minutes then back together again). Oh the fun of being a stay-at-home mom!

Among other things we had a brief visit from Uncle Cam last week, as he was doing some work out at Manning Park, so he joined us for dinner one night. He spent some time with Liam and even got him all ready for bed.
Uncle Cam and Liam - Book Buddies

Liam explaining to Uncle Cam that the correct way to read a book is upside down.

While we have been home Liam has seriously gotten addicted to tv. I hate to admit that but he loves his cartoons. We have set some groundrules with how long he watched for and that he needs to be sitting on his double pull out couch (which is a good distance away from the tv). The following photo is a great representation of a typical Liam tv moment - notice the apple juice next to him along side the bowl full of goldfish crackers...I am already imagining this 20 years from now but replace cartoons with hockey, juice with a beer and the crackers with...the same.

MOM!!! Out of the way Dora and Boots are about to find the missing cookies!!!

Have a ghostly week everyone!


Matt, Mo and Liam

1 comment:

Chauntille said...

Glad Liam's feeling better -- hopefully his parents are doing alright too!

Happy Halloween! Hope to see Liam in his costume!