Friday, October 13, 2006

20lb turkey plus a 25+lb boy equals trouble!

Hi everyone I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving...we do have so much to be thankful for! :) We hosted a turkey dinner this year with some of Matt's collegues and their partners. We had a nice dinner for 8 - Sian and Derek, Chauntille and Justin, and Paul and Joni...actually we had dinner with 10 if you include Liam and Paul and Joni's baby due in February! I was hoping to get a photo of all of them together but hey I was worrying about cooking a super large turkey, keeping track of a crazy boy monster, and my usual type A craziness for anyone that knows me I have. However in the end it all worked out and we sat down at 7 for quite the feast.

Liam and I trying to clean the house before our guests arrived.
Derek and Sian relaxing after eating the 20lb turkey!
On Thanksgiving Monday Matt, Liam and I needed to work off some serious turkey weight so we did our typical hike up Teapot Hill. Once again a beautiful day and Liam got some good exercise riding on Matt's back.

I know you see this photo a lot of Liam in his backpack but whatever he looks cute in it.
Since then we have been slowly getting back to normal. Yet we have had some setbacks:
#1) Liam has decided one nap is good enough for him so trying to adjust his schedule to this new transition has made for some stressful days with someone not napping long enough making the late afternoon quite crankiful...not a word but you can only imagine.

My mom's lying I'm NEVER cranky!!
#2) Oh yeah Liam has started to put 10 - 12 steps together so we basically have this Frankenstein child lumbering around trying to avoid table corners, miscellanous toys scattered like land mines in his path and the constant reaching for the next set of legs to hang on to. I may not sound too excited by it but I am. However other parents told me not to wish for walking too early because life changes after that...yep it sure has...for the better of course!!

Nighty nighty everyone!
We are off to Seattle this weekend for Matt's Resident Retreat where we will be taking part in team building exercises like going to the outlet malls to shop and of course going to six flags amusement park. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

See you next week!

Monique, Matt and Liam

1 comment:

Mellerson said...

mmmm, I miss the turkey event at your family's pad. Canadian thanksgiving passed by here without even a whisper of drumstick. Hope you guys enjoyed a good dollop of mini-marshmallow yams for me. ps, I can't believe how big Liam is getting!!