Thursday, August 03, 2006

Those crazy Calgarians strike again!

So the phone call on Wednesday night sounded something like this, "So we're thinking of flying to Abbotsford this weekend to visit you guys. But we might or might not depending on seat sales so don't go telling Liam we're coming if we really aren't." --> very typical Simon conversation (haha) but lucky for us he came through and bought some tickets for himself and his girlfriend, Margarita...finally we would see if this whole 'girlfriend' thing was for real.
There they were waiting for us at the airport on Friday morning all ready to enjoy the smoking hot valley weather I had been raving about only to be greeted by a cool breeze and overcast overcast and more overcast. Despite the not so cooperative weather we had a splendid day together getting some fresh fruit from the farms and taking Liam to the park to play on the swings but more so to watch the soccer playoff between Simon and Margarita (Australia vs Columbia)! Good times!
Ola Margarita and Simon!
Saturday we decided to had to the big city for the day. The drive to Vancouver was quite quick for a weekend and we even were able to park downtown for $5 for the day!!! Wow when do you get parking prices like that anymore! We enjoyed the favorites of shopping on Robson, eating at an awesome Korean restaurant, taking the ferry over to Granville Island --> it was great for Margarita to enjoy those things since the last time she was in Vancouver was at the airport. In the early evening we met Cam and Carmen over on Commercial to eat some very delicious Indonesian food. As those two headed off to the Lantern Festival we got back on the road back to our beloved home in the 'Wack.
On Sunday Simon and Margarita headed back to the prairies...I can only assume they got home okay after arriving at the airport with let's see 20 minutes before their flight left. I don't know if you can tell yet but Simon is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy!! That's what makes him awesome!! We had a great time getting to know Margarita, she's an amazing woman who doesn't mind kick boxing with Simon in our living room! Hope you had fun visiting us you two!!
I am so smart...S - M
R-T!! What a little monster!
The next few posts I am sure will be filled with tons of excitement as we have some fun filled weekends planned...hmm Scott's stag, The Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk, Liam's's endless but that's what summer's all about.

That's right boys and girls this little man is turning one at the end of the month!

Lots of Love,

Mo, Matt and Liam

1 comment:

m+K said...

Monique, I love the picture of Liam with the hat stuck on his head. Hee hee. I am going to Lethbridge next week for a week and will not be back to babysit Liam until the 22nd of August. :( Tell him I will miss him! Give me a call tomorrow (or I will phone you) and we can go for a walk etc.. Kylie