Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Thank Goodness it's August Looooongggg Weekend!

I can't believe in a blink of an eye August long weekend was upon us. In past years I would steadily start feeling the butterflies forming in my stomach in anticipation of the up coming school year but this year nada. Not because I have fully decided not to go back to work (mom I know you're still wondering what's happening with that) but simply the weather was wonderful, Matt had a whole long weekend off and well we happen to live in a very cool place (other than the stinky manure fields).

Anyways Liam and I started off our Saturday with an afternoon of fun spent with Sheila and Gavin. We walked down to the school park and played on the swings, ate some ritz crackers, and then played on the slide. However, due to the hot weather we thought better yet let's head home and jump into the kiddie pool and relax with some fruit popsicles. No kid can deny such pleasures!

Gavin and Liam chillelaxin' in the pool eagerly awaiting the popsicles.

Sunday was our big day since Paul made a surprise visit out to the 'Wack to go on a hike with us and another resident couple, Paul and Jonie, to Elk View. The hike according to the guide book was to be a 4 hour round trip. So in the afternoon after lunch we all headed out to the trail head which was located in the beautiful area of Ryder Lake. We hiked up hill for a long time I know my feet were sore by the end I can't imagine what the boys felt like as they all took turns carrying Liam. The view was spectacular as you'll see in the following photos. We actually made it to Elk View and kept going to the top known as Mt. Thurston. Awesome view as you could see Mt. Sleese, Cultus Lake, Mt. Baker...yep great day altogether Liam even fell asleep on Paul's back on the way down! A great hike to do if you're planning to visit!!
Monique, Matt, Liam, Jonie, Paul G, Paul M on the top of Mt. Thurston
The fam resting and enjoying the view

Thanks for the ride Paul!

Paul and Liam spending some quality time together!

Sunday night we chowed down on some fantastic Chinese food and just relaxed. Liam was wiped as was everyone else so sitting in front of the air conditioner was just what we needed. Paul headed home the next day and we had a nice Monday just catching up from the past weeks and getting ready for another wild one coming up.

We hope everyone has a fantastic week!


Liam, Mo and Matt

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