Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life...

Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof." Richard Bach

After receiving the news of our friend's, Cam's, death we booked our tickets and headed on a plane to Edmonton. Suddenly, the realization of why we were back really set in. I have to admit even today I still feel like I am going to get a phone call from Cam and Sandy letting us know when they'll be passing through the 'Wack as was planned but then the reality sets in. I know I was glad to fly back to Edmonton to be with our friends at such an emotionally trying time and to celebrate Cam's life. On Tuesday at his funeral we did just that. Although there were tears shed it was amazing to see all the things Cam had done in his life by the time he was 27. The celebration only reconfirmed to me and the rest of the world that we had lost a fantastic guy. We were blessed to spend some time with Sandy and to see how she was doing. We consider ourselves very lucky to have an amazing friend like her. Lots of hugs and kisses Sandy!!

Being back in Edmonton I enjoyed bonding with 'my family' - my immediate family but also the Pedalhead Family. Although we have moved away to come back and be welcomed back like we never moved was a great feeling. We definitely miss you guys!

To all those people we were unable to see I apologize. We'll try again sometime or if you are heading out west please make a stop here. :)

Here's a little photo montage to celebrate 'Our Family'...

Liam and Cowfu Miles laughing it up!

Uncle Andy - amazing mechanic at Pedalhead

Uncle Chris - Pedalhead Owner working on his side business as child entertainer

Great Grandma Robertson you're GREAT!!

Sandy - you're incredible and we love you!!!

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


Mo, Matt and Liam

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