Monday, March 06, 2006

We are family!

Typical Liam (Matt and I consider ourselves very lucky.)

Wow this was a busy week and weekend in the Robertson household! Liam has recently discovered that he can cover a lot of ground if he simply rolls everywhere. Pretty cool to watch him learning this skill but at the same time very difficult to keep track of him at times. One minute he's in the middle of the living room floor next minute he's stuck under the coffee table.

On Thursday afternoon, Liam and I headed out to the Abbotsford airport to pick up Grandpa Hugh and Grandma Lynda. Liam was excited to see them as they were too. We spent a very relaxing evening at home eating Thai food and of course Liam worked on charming his grandparents. Matt was even able to make it home for the night as no babies were being born that evening.

Grandma Lynda feeding Liam some sweet potato. Yummy

Friday morning Uncle Andy drove from Vancouver to join us for the weekend. It was great seeing Liam's face as he studied everyone wondering how all these new people got into his house. That afternoon, Matt, Liam and I were back to the airport this time picking up Caufu Miles who was ecstatic to see Liam. So we definitely had a full house that evening eating great food, thanks to Lynda, and catching up with family. :)

Saturday morning even more people came to visit. This time it was my cousins Michael, Teresa and their 6 week old son, Matthew, from Burnaby for a little day trip. The Lee family is great at coming out to Chilliwack to visit us or as we call it Chilliwack Outreach. Their son is beautiful and Liam had a great time posing for photos with Matthew...until he decided he should really try to roll onto baby Matthew. (I know, Michael and Teresa, the boys are in different weight classes so we'll wait until Matthew is 6 month then we'll have another sumo match.) Andy headed back to Vancouver that evening for the International Wine festival...lucky guy.

Matthew and Liam before the attempted body slam

Teresa, Monique, Liam, Matthew, Michael and Miles

Sunday was a tough day realizing all our family was heading back to Edmonton. You never know how much you miss your family until they come for a visit that seemed way too short. Liam once again had a great time at the airport smiling for everyone even though I know my heart felt pretty heavy having to say goodbye.

We had a fantastic weekend and I hope our visitors felt the same. We're thinking about flying back to Edmonton in May/June...what do people think?

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Future soccer player?


Matt, Monique and Liam

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