Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Madness we call Our House!

It would be false to say this house is the most relaxed it has ever been since we are in the chaos of selling our house which entails - leaving the house for showings which is proceeded by cleaning up the house everytime which is proceeded by making sure all toys are picked up after use which is usually proceeded by crying about not putting away toys...oh the fun is endless in this house.

However, we'll stick it through and these boys are more than helpful for the most part to get things done. So this post is dedicated to them...


Where do I begin with this super munchkin?
He is almost 6 months old actually he will be this weekend. He now weighs 16 lbs 5 oz and he is 64 cm long.
I know I"m cute! :)

He has started to eat solid food which has been a great time as he has caught on quickly like his big brother often grabbing the bowl or crying after for more.

Torr after his first taste of barley cereal

Torr has also started to roll both ways making him a handful on the change table and a delight to watch on the floor as he keeps bumping into Liam.

Da Boys!!


What is there to say other than the fact he is in his Terrific Twos...emotional up and down but for the most part he is a sweet boy. Matt thinks he pushes my buttons because we are so identical in personality...hmmm maybe. :)


He is about half the height of Matt these days and weighs 40 lbs which makes lifting Torr up feel like I'm lifting a feather.
We still go the Y most mornings but we have started to go to Strong Start program here (preschool like program for 1-4 year olds) which he loves as we get to go to the library and listen to story time.
His vocabulary is enormous and he likes to find every chance to correct you about an answer and you can no longer fake reading a book because for the most part he memorized them.

adios amigos!

So in a nutshell this is the latest update on the boys, they are awesome, healthy, and a handful but I just simply assume that's what it's like to have kids.

Caio for now!

mo, matt, liam and torr

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