Monday, June 18, 2007

Dr.Matt Graduates!

Can you believe I have been writing this blog for almost two years now?!! It is pretty crazy to think we have been in Chilliwack for almost 2 years and we bought a house, had a kid, are expecting another, Matt has become a full fledged doctor, we've experienced plus 35 days here in the summer, we smell the awful smell of money (re: massive amount of manure spraying) twice a year...need I go on?

Melanie and Jay's dog, Gus, with a not so tiny Liam!

Excuse the delay in blogging as the computer has been doing some funny business the last few weeks and refused my attempt to put photos up until today. Must be all the nasty things I said about it yesterday night and now it feels bad. :)

So this past Friday, Matt and I got a babysitter and headed out to the Annual Chilliwack Family Medicine Resident Graduation Banquet. Yep it's official Matt is now a certified Family Medicine Physician!! For those that know Matt they know how many years he has been in school for now to get to this day...for those that don't know him that far back think Liam's age multiplied by 10...haha kidding kind of.

Chilliwack Family Residents

It was a great evening filled with lots of laughs but a little air of sadness as well as the completion of this program begins to sink in. In two years you make some serious friendships as most residents here don't have their families close by so we become each others' families. So through babies being born (5 while we've been in Chilliwack), finding jobs, meeting significant others, moving, it is a pretty BIG time in our lives as so many meaningful things have happened. It will be a crazy summer for us as we expect baby number two but so many of our friends will be moving away to start a new chapter in their I guess a new part starts for us as well.

Finally a good couples photo!!

As the Chilliwack Program comes to an end for Matt and his collegues a new crop of residents will emerge next week here in the 'Wack. I can only hope they have a great experience as we have had here in terms of the friendships made and the introduction to this 'Small Rural Town'.

Dave, Simone, Monique and Matt

Thanks to Sheila for doing my make up for me that night...I got to say I don't look too shabby for being 6 months prego!


Matt, Mo and Liam

1 comment:

Mellerson said...

1. Please pass on my warmest congratulations to Matt for graduating!

2. You look pretty amazing, I think most women would consider having children if they looked like you both during and after.

3. I just saw the 'day in the life of' and I loooooved it. The vacuuming and bouncing bits totally cracked me up at work.

Are you guys planning to stay in the 'wack?