Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Attack of the Little Sasquatch


This afternoon in Chilliwack we had a very rare sighting in our very own kitchen...we saw none other than a Little Sasquatch a.k.a Big Sasquatch's son. He had the noted features of a sasquatch from the hairy face and hairy back. We were even able to get some photos of him, here they are (don't be alarmed but they are slightly scary)...

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

Wax me gently!

After our close encounter with the Little Sasquatch we decided to take him into our family as our very own.

How did a photo of Old Man Liam with a bubble beard trim get in here!!??

Matt and Little Sasquatch enjoying some quiet time together.

Oh yeah for those that don't know it's really hot in Chilliwack today in the high 20s. This is what Liam spent most of the day doing...

Finally, here is a nice photo of me and Liam before the potential of a gigantic flood that could wash all of Chilliwack away. Wish us luck!!


The Robertsons


Miles said...

He look a lot like Uncle Miles lying on the floor like that!

Mellerson said...

You guys looks amazing (you can really work that pregnant glow!), and I can't believe Liam is already so big! Man, I've said that about 10 times already, but I'll probably keep saying it over the next 10 years.