Monday, May 28, 2007

Spring time in Edmonton

So the past few weeks I have been trying to finish a post I have saved but the photos just won't upload. So instead we're starting fresh.

Dad saying see yeah later to Liam!

On Saturday, Liam and I boarded a Westjet flight to Edmonton and were greeted by a very excited Grandma and Grandpa and extremely nice weather.( I could do without the mass number of humongous mosquitos but that won't be an entirely different rant I would need to go on.) We've had a great time so far here are some of our highlights:

Daily walks around the neighbourhood where we get to go and look at the River Valley and wave to the mass number of people biking, running, rollerblading...things I miss about Edmonton.
Grandpa showing Liam the sights of the River Valley!

The incredible amount of sunshine - almost forgot how hard it was to go to sleep when it seems so light outside or getting up so early because the sun was pushing through the blinds.

Liam watching the runners go by...especially the ladies.

Spending time with family and friends:

- We have been able to see Caufu Miles and his friends at aBBQ

- Visited Chloe and Felix and their two wonderful sons and baby number three on the way (around the same time as us wooohooo)

- Had dim sum with my dad and accidently bumped into Niki and Norm who joined us for lunch which was extra special.

- Of course having Grandma and Grandpa around to play with!!

Where are these birds? They're missing their bath!

And it's only Monday that's the best part we haven't even made a dent in our visiting schedule.
Liam avoiding the paparazzi!

Will keep you updated.


Mo and Liam

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Attack of the Little Sasquatch


This afternoon in Chilliwack we had a very rare sighting in our very own kitchen...we saw none other than a Little Sasquatch a.k.a Big Sasquatch's son. He had the noted features of a sasquatch from the hairy face and hairy back. We were even able to get some photos of him, here they are (don't be alarmed but they are slightly scary)...

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

Wax me gently!

After our close encounter with the Little Sasquatch we decided to take him into our family as our very own.

How did a photo of Old Man Liam with a bubble beard trim get in here!!??

Matt and Little Sasquatch enjoying some quiet time together.

Oh yeah for those that don't know it's really hot in Chilliwack today in the high 20s. This is what Liam spent most of the day doing...

Finally, here is a nice photo of me and Liam before the potential of a gigantic flood that could wash all of Chilliwack away. Wish us luck!!


The Robertsons

Monday, May 07, 2007

It's alive! Ahhhhh!

This past Friday Matt and I went to the Chilliwack Hospital to have my 18 week ultrasound. So after these past 4 months of trying to tell people really I'm pregnant not "I didn't over eat during our two month stint in Salmon Arm. ", or "No I didn't drink a lot of excess beer during bike off season." the reality of our second baby entering into our lives emerged.

For those who have never had an ultrasound before it states on the sheet they give you to 'empty out your bladder two hours prior to your appointment then immediately drink 4 cups of water.' Really I should have learned my lesson the last time that really the tech did tell me only drink 2 cups of water then drink a bit more right before your appointment. But little concerned me didn't listen and downed the two cups simply because I worked out prior and somehow thought it will be absorbed and then my bladder will still need some filling. So there I am on the way to my appointment, crouched over in the passenger seat dying from an over filled bladder but still sipping my water bottle thinking 'maybe I can get one more cup in.' Thank goodness my appointment was right after lunch because I was in right away and had the tech laugh at my saying she actually couldn't get any really good photos because my bladder was too full. Then in a Godly moment the tech passed me a 14 oz cup and said go to the bathroom and fill that cup, dump it and then come back. Thank you!!!

So back I came, Matt was allowed into the room and wala we saw the moving baby. I have to admit within two years the ultrasound photos have already gotten better to look at. The tech knowing Matt was a resident was helpful in pointing out specific things doctors may notice or not notice 'no cysts on the brain' (yeah!), 'full photo of nose and lips', and the baby's ability to open and close its hands. Pretty cool!

So without further jammering on my part here's the best photo (the other ones included a full frontal skeltor photo!)

Too bad it isn't a bit clearer the baby is actually waving it hand.

I'll try to Matt to download a few the mean time have a great week!

Mo, Matt and Liam

Friday, May 04, 2007

Things we do to pass the time...

Daddy stop loving me so much!

When we were in Salmon Arm since we all resided in a hotel suite when Liam went to nap I also went to nap because really what is there to do in a pitch black hotel room. Yes I read all the books and magazines I brought with me...a few times over. I even resorted to reading the Alberta and BC travel accomodations book given out at the AMA.

Liam stalking his unsuspecting yellow duck scrub mitt.

So when we returned to the 'Wack I thought about just simply continuing that tradition of the afternoon nap until someone intriduced me to something so horrible it has taken up many hours of my life this's called FACEBOOK. Addicting, amusing to find people you have spoken to in years but addicting. Matt and I actually race each other to the computer now so we can check our profile and see if anyone wrote on our wall or invited us to be their friends. Pathetic maybe but a great time. So look me up (really if I can't fight the addiction you probably should just continue to feed my addiction!)

Old man Liam has shown up meaning spring weather is coming soon.

Finally had my 18 weeks ultrasound today. Everything looks good and we will post the photos of the ultrasound later this weekend. Have a great weekend and let's pray for some sunshine please.

Mo, Matt and Liam

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Liam Report

Now let's be realistic I know friends and family tell me they read this blog to find out about what Matt and I are doing but I know the's all about Liam!

Sending you a smooch over the internet!

This post is solely dedicated to updating you on our little man. Now where to begin...

Recent measurements: Liam is now 35 inches (3 ft) and weighs a whopping 31 lbs. Yep he is a sturdy young lad. Unfortunately he is stuck in I want to be with my mom ever hour of the day stage right now which also includes carrying him around on my hip. Once again I realize why women have hips. :)

Recent developmental milestones: Before we left for Salmon Arm in March we were quite concerned about Liam's language development...specifically his lack of language development. Well we had no need to be concerned since we have a chatty cathy on our hands now. Repeating everything and his favorite is still hearing the phone and yelling out a loud 'Hellllooo'.

Favorite animal: the monkey other wise known as 'haha'
Favorite toy: cars, cars and more cars

Gavin and Liam hanging out!

Funniest incident in the last few days: Liam was being prompted by Matt to repeat sounds (ex. monkey = haha, dog = woof woof, duck = quack quack) when asked to repeat what a fart sounds like he proceeded to strain and let a big one out on Matt. Needless to say all the times Matt has farted on Liam and then laughed has caused this new behaviour.

I'll try to get some action film on Liam as he spends his days in his gum boots splashing around in the puddles or trying to ride a bike.

Liam and I will be making an Edmonton appearance the last week of May so keep your schedules open!!
Say Cheese!

Until next time.


Mo, Liam and Matt