Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Invasion of the grandparents Part Deux

Lucky Liam was joined by his KungKung Peter and PauPau Grace this past week as they flew out from Edmonton on Wednesday. We have had a busy week here's a condensed version of the weekly events...

Wednesday - picked up grandparents from airport --> ate chinese food --> went to bed
Thursday - go to the YMCA with KungKung and PauPau to workout in the gym --> spoil Liam all day long with hug and kisses
Friday - Matt had the day off so we had a family day just hanging out watching the Oilers game.

Doesn't it look like Liam has a mullet?

Saturday - golfing with Sian, Derek, Chauntille, Monique, Matt, Grace, Peter and yes Liam too. Liam rode on Matt's back in a baby carrier and from what I hear did help Matt's swing a few times. Oh also let out some screams as Derek was getting ready to putt. Good work Liam!

Sunday - Matt and I took Liam on his first bike ride as he sat in the chariot behind the bike. He was a tad unhappy about putting on his helmet but finally gave in and actually fell asleep on the ride as well. Cousins Teresa and Michael came by to visit with 3 month old Matthew...where did three months just go? They drove Grace and Peter into Vancouver to meet up with some friends.

Matthew and Liam

Monday - Things slowly getting back into routine...YMCA in the morning, nap time, food, etc. KungKung and PauPau came back from Vancouver and we got to feast on T-bone steaks for dinner...yummmmmmy!

Tuesday - well time for the grandparents to head back to Edmonton...a lovely visit and I know we will see them soon...June or July?

A bit of a long post this week but hey we have had a great time so I had to share.


Matt, Mo and Liam

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