Sunday, February 26, 2006

1/2 year birthday with a special visit from Uncle Derek

Can you believe Liam is 6 months old already?! On Friday, Liam officially celebrated being a half year old. He ate rice cereal, hung out with some friends and even got to blow out candles on an ice cream cake. To top off all this excitement Uncle Derek from Edmonton was in town for a visit.

Liam's latest stats:
weight: 19 lbs 9 ozs
height:27 inches

He's actually slowed down a little in growth but in the 80th percentile for both.

Friday night:
- party at Amy's house in White Rock
- shared birthday cake with Auntie Chauntille who was turning 25
- Uncle Derek came to stay for the weekend as he was heading back to Edmonton

- shopping in Langley with Auntie Karen, Auntie Chauntille, Auntie Sian, Larissa and her son Max
- very busy day: eating at Olive Garden and shopping, shopping and more shopping but Liam just sat back and enjoyed the day.

- Saying good bye to Uncle Derek

Busy weekend and we know next week will be even crazier as we get ready for Grandma and Grandpa Robertson's arrival on Thursday and Cawfu Miles' arrival on Friday. woowwwwooo


The Robertsons

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