Friday, August 26, 2005

Baby Liam

At 11:17am on Wednesday August 24th after 6 hours of hard labour and an hour of pushing baby Liam was born. He was 7 lbs 7 ozs and 53 cm long. Mom and baby are home and doing well, dad is exhausted. Cousins Mike and Teresa were the first to visit already spoiling the baby with toys. Uncle Cam is here now and babysitting as I write this. Here are some photos, hope you are all well. - Matt


ajm said...

Hi Monique and Matt AND Liam!
I am posting a comment on your blog! Congrats on your new addition, can't wait to meet him!


Lyndi said...

hoooooraaaayyyy!!!! congratulations!!! He is soooo cute!! I hope you are all well- can't wait to see you again!!
Love you miss you...
Woo :)

Cachorro Quente said...

Congratulations Monique and Matt! Here's a natal chart for Liam.
Hope you like it!

Natal Chart Link