Hey Y'all,
The last week and a half has flown by already so here's a quick recap...
#1) Our friends, Tanya and Brent, came to visit for an evening the last weekend of April which brought a big smile to Liam's face. It was great seeing friends from Edmonton and I hope more will come to visit. hint hint!
Hi Tanya and Brent thanks for visiting!
#2) We were lucky enough to have not just one uncle this past weekend but two. Cam and Andy both come out to the 'Wack to spend the weekend with us. Let me tell you Liam hit the sack hard the Sunday night after the uncles left. :) We went on a fantastic hike to Lindeman Lake on Saturday and enjoyed the rainy weather out there. Sorry no pictures...somehow the camera did not come out all weekend.
#3) The Oilers are into the second round of playoffs. YEAH!!!!! However, it looks like they are needing some help against San Jose so I have enlisted some help. Liam's two friends from the YMCA, Gavin and Danielle, are also big Oilers fans. So on Tuesday they decided to do a mini baby shoot for the Oilers to give them some luck...here they are.
Liam, Danielle, and Gavin cheering the Oilers on!
The flowers of May have come out and we are definitely looking forward to some hot weather finally!
Who knew some one could be happy like this all the time?
The Robertsons